This workshop, like the previous QSCP meetings, will bring together chemists and physicists interested in quantum systems in molecular, nano and material sciences. Quantum biochemists and biophysicists are also welcome. Emphasis will be on relativistic quantum theory, many-body methodology, innovative conceptualisation, computational realization, and novel applications.
The 27th Workshop will include sessions on:
Concepts and Methods in Quantum Sciences (CIQS)
Wavefunction-based ab-initio Treatments (WAT)
Density Functional Theory (DFT)
Relativistic Effects in Quantum Chemistry (REQC)
Theoretical Spectroscopy and Photophysics Phenomena (TSPP)
Atoms and Molecules in Strong Fields (AMSF)
Chemical Dynamics, Reactivity and Catalysis (CDRC)
Complexes and Clusters; Surface Phenomena (CCSP)
Molecular, Nano- and Bio-Materials (MNBM)
Quantum Dots, Quantum Computing (QDQC)
Quantum Methods and Effects in Biology (QMEB)
The Proceedings of the Workshop will, as usual, be published.